Learning apps:
The term “app” is short for the English word “application”. Behind it are small programs that can be installed on mobile devices as well as computers. The spectrum ranges from first picture puzzles to vocabulary trainers to applications with exercises for calculating percentages or probability.
Updates can be used to update content and software regularly, provided the provider develops the app further. There are both free and paid offers that children can use to study for school online. These are available from the various app stores.
When does it make sense to use apps to study online for school?
Learning with apps can be really fun. Refresh a few vocabularies in between or go through the math exercises again and all on the cool smartphone or tablet – a great thing. Most of the time, people loll around on the sofa or learn on the go, often between the door and the hinge. For intensive learning, e.g. For example, apps are less suitable for classwork. Rather, children can use them to deepen the subject and learn it in a different environment.
► Why learning math online motivates children
At the same time, there are beautiful apps that convey learning content “between the lines”: puzzles, coloring books, games … the list is long.
► Here are a few tips for good apps: the best kids’ apps
But be careful: Parents or private tutors should sit down with their children right at the beginning and accompany them through the first steps. Rules for media use are also important because children are not yet able to regulate their consumption themselves.
► Smartphones for children – parents should pay attention to this
How useful are apps in preschool age?
Example from everyday life: five-year-old Anna wipes her mother Martina’s iPad with great concentration, sorts bars according to size and enjoys the tones that sound when she taps them with her finger. Kirsten, a friend of Martina’s and also mother, asks astonished: “Isn’t she too young for that?”
Martina immediately feels guilty because she often gives Anna her tablet when she wants some peace and quiet. She is also not quite sure whether her daughter shouldn’t rather play with other things at her age. On the other hand, your child is seldom as enthusiastic and focused as it is when playing with the tablet.
TIP: No question about it, at preschool-age children, have enough to do with discovering the world directly with their senses. In principle, they do not need any media to learn during this time. On the other hand, the parents’ tablets or smartphones are part of their environment that they explore. As long as it does not become the rule, there is nothing wrong with your child occasionally using selected apps.